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As I played this piece I wrote, three crows came to listen.
Perhaps the Goddess Morrigan was near.
In Celtic Myth, Morrigan is the goddess of strife, battle and Sovereignty. She flies over fighting warriors guiding throughout the course of battle.
A beautiful reminder that regardless of what arises from the external world, I am light, sovereign and the creator of my own reality✨
Narcissism is not hard to detect in our political system.
Leaders filled with a sense of grandeur displaying psychopathic behaviour with reckless disregard to the consequences of their actions.
My deepest wish is that somehow these tyrants will encounter a dark night of the soul and recognise the ‘malfeasance’ of their actions.
Wishful thinking, as in reality I know that these power hungry ego driven maniacs don’t operate or resonate from a place of love.
So for those with love in their hearts who may feel less powerful at this time. Rise up. Stand up for everything you believe in.
The root of all evil is the abuse of power.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important.
#courage #love #australia #reclaimtheline #prochoice #freedom #bethelight #turningpointaustralia #holdtheline #lightworkers #mybodymychoice #mybodymyrules #truth
For Belonging
May you listen to your longing to be free.
May the frames of your belonging be generous enough for your dreams.
May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart.
May you find a harmony between your soul and your life.
May the sanctuary of your soul never become haunted.
May you know the eternal longing that lives at the heart of time.
May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.
May you never place walls between the light and yourself.
May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you and embrace you in belonging.
John O’Donohue
I will always honour and respect the rights of each individual to make a choice that is right for them.
When we detach from the ego and into the heart space, we can inquire with compassion as to why somebody is making a different choice.
Shouting people down or labelling them as anti this or that is not productive. It’s an easy deflection.
Understanding and respecting their WHY, will always take precedent for me.
As a mental health therapist working in private practice and also working in crisis support, I have witnessed the complete despair and anxiety these jab mandates are causing.
This post isn’t about being pro or anti, it’s about respecting the rights of each individual to choose and importantly the right for transparent, non censored information. Sadly lacking.
We have to be open to hearing all sides of this. It can’t continue to be a one sided discussion driven by fear and coercion.
Sorry if this puts anyone out but when you spend hours each day listening to people on the edge, tethering on the brink of total collapse and go to sleep wondering if they are going to be still here tomorrow because they feel they have no choice, enough Is enough.
I I would never advocate making a decision that is based on fear or pressure in any circumstance that is not in alignment with your intuition.
Helen x